The article is devoted to the study of laxative and diuretic abuse among patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). The medical records of 152 patients with AN and NB, who were hospitalized in a specialized clinic for the treatment of eating disorders, were studied. Of 152 patients, 52 % (N=79) had restricting anorexia nervosa, 29.6 % (N=45) had purgative anorexia nervosa, and 18.4 % (N=28) had bulimia nervosa. The number of people abusing laxatives and diuretics in the groups with AN purgative type and BN did not differ significantly. Laxative abuse accounted for 42.2 % (N=19) and 42.9 % (N=12) in AN purgative type and BN, respectively. Diuretics abuse accounted for 20 % (N=9) and 17.9 % (N=5) in AN purgative type and BN, accordingly. The total number of laxative and diuretic abusers among the patients with eating disorders was 20.4 % (N=31) and 9.2 % (N=14), respectively.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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