Study of some predictors of delinquent disorders in patients with organic personality disorder


Khudina Yu. S.ORCID, ,Tkachenko N. V.ORCID,Zaika V. G.ORCID, ,


The problem of antisocial (delinquent) human behavior has existed since ancient times. According to literary sources, adolescents are the most susceptible to this form of behavior, however, this does not always reflect the reality. In psychiatry, it is customary to pay attention not only to age, gender, or nosological aspects, but also to personal characteristics when behavioral disorders occur. This article analyzes predictors of delinquent disorders in patients with organic personality disorder. The age parameters of the disorders presented in the sample are considered: behavioral deviations characteristic of childhood and adolescence, as well as of adults, are described. In addition, personal characteristics influencing the occurrence of delinquent behavior have been studied. It is proposed to introduce a new parameter — locus of control, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of subjects in different spheres of life.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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