Botulinum toxin preparations in complex therapy of infantile cerebral palsy (literature review)


Magomadova E. R.ORCID, ,Magomadova S. R.ORCID,Azimova Kh. S.ORCID,Tlapshokova L. B.ORCID, , ,


The relevance of the topic is confirmed by statistical data related to primary childhood disabilities, according to which a number of congenital developmental anomalies and disorders of the nervous system are especially common. Cerebral palsy (CP) occupies a leading position in this regard. It is obvious that complex therapy for patients with cerebral palsy is effective, but it is not of economic benefit to the state, which to a certain extent provides support in the rehabilitation of this category of patients. In this connection, budgetary allocations and contributions from insurance companies both in the Russian Federation and other countries are distributed in a rational manner. Botulinum toxin preparations, used in standard clinical practice to combat focal spasticity syndrome in patients with cerebral palsy, have proved to be a feasible and economically beneficial medical technology. A similar therapy strategy has demonstrated a positive clinical effect. It is also the least expensive technology in the medical armamentarium used for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with infantile cerebral palsy.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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