The aim of the work was to study the influence of the locus of control on students’ emotional state and motivation to achieve success. Methods: The study involved 127 students (66 girls and 61 boys) of the 1st year of study at the Medical and Pediatric Faculties of the Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky. The following research methods were used: the questionnaire on the level of subjective control (LSC), T. Ehlers’ questionnaire for studying the motivation to achieve success, test questionnaire «Determining the level of self-esteem» by S. V. Kovalev, and the diagnosing methodology for self-assessment of mental states according to H. Eysenck. Results: The indicator «General Internality Scale» (Questionnaire on the level of subjective control) positively correlates with the indicator «Motivation» by T. Ehlers’ method (0.61) and negatively — with «Self-assessment» of the test-questionnaire by S. V. Kovalev (–0.96), as well as with the indicators of H. Eysenck's methodology: «Aggressiveness» (–0.96), «Anxiety» (–0.97), «Frustration» (–0.90), and «Rigidity» (–0.88). The data obtained confirm the presence of a strong relationship between the studied parameters. Indeed, internality determines the behavior of the individual, being a kind of internal control mechanism for the successful achievement of goals.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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