Features of coping strategies and sexual behavior in women in an in vitro fertilization program
Container-title:Vestnik nevrologii, psihiatrii i nejrohirurgii (Bulletin of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery)
Short-container-title:Bulletin of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery
Gardanova Zh.R.ORCID, , Nekrasov M. A.ORCID, Razuvaeva T. N., Khritinin D. F.ORCID, Tetruashvili N. K., Lipskaya A. A.ORCID, Gavisova A. A., Sedova E. O.ORCID, Kalina S. A.ORCID, Kulakova E. V.ORCID, Esaulov V. IORCID, Emelyanov Yu. V.ORCID, Veprentsova S. Yu.ORCID, Lapina V. S.ORCID, Novikov V. V.ORCID, Gardanov A. K.ORCID, Ilgov V. I.ORCID, Kekteeva Yu. I.ORCID, Zinchenko D. O.ORCID, Gubaidullin D. Kh.ORCID, Burma A. A., Abdurakhmanov S. D., Gallyamova G. A., Kozlova N. A., Antufieva M. A., Chernov D. N., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
This study analyzes the identified features of coping strategies and sexual behavior in women with infertility in the program of assisted reproductive technologies. Infertility treatment requires a certain response to stressful situations and all procedures of in vitro fertilization (IVF), as well as changes in behavior, the emotional sphere, and in family relations from both spouses. For some couples, the period of infertility treatment in an in vitro fertilization program is a stressful period, which can affect not only the emotional state, but sexual behavior as well. This article examines the influence of infertility diagnosis on the choice of women»s preferred coping strategies and changes in sexual behavior and sexual attitudes.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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