Problems of treating facial nerve paresis after removal of vestibulocochlear neurinoma


,Emelyanov A. S.ORCID,Cherebillo V. Yu.ORCID, ,Kurnukhina M. Yu.ORCID, ,Gusev A. A.ORCID, ,Brevdo A. M.ORCID,


Surgical treatment of facial paralysis after removal of tumors of the posterior cranial fossa and lateral part of the base of the skull remains a relevant issue and one of the most difficult problems in modern medicine and neurosurgery. Severe dysfunction of the facial nerve, accompanied by cosmetic, functional, and psychological disorders, is the cause of social maladjustment of patients. Based on current literature, the article provides an overview of various methods of surgical treatment of this pathology aimed at restoring facial expressions and symmetry.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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