Neurorehabilitation potential of kinesiological activation of the cerebral hemisphere/contralateral limbs axis.


,Dvurechenskaya V. S.ORCID,Oleinikova V. V.ORCID, ,Khablieva V. V.ORCID, ,Tregub P. P.ORCID,


According to the theory of hemispheric asymmetry, the brain has a property that shows the difference in the distribution of neuropsychic functions between its right and left hemispheres. It was established long ago that the left hemisphere is more developed in right-handed people, while the right hemisphere is more developed in the left-handed. Currently, this theory is confirmed by neurophysiological examination methods: EEG, echography, evoked potentials, MRI, and bioelectric activity of the brain surface. This area gained even more popularity after establishing the fact of the interaction of cognitive / creative abilities and left-hand activity. This justification has been noted in the works of scientists, neurophysiologists, and experimenters and continues in our literary review. The relationship is established on the basis of motor acts, learning activities in left-handers, and the speed of mastering a particular skill to perfection. Moreover, another interesting aspect of this field is the study of the effect of neurorehabilitation on the restoration of cognitive functions in patients after suffering an acute cerebrovascular accident. The use of long-term sustainable interventions can help stroke survivors engage in their usual activities. Rehabilitation is aimed at restoring functions and cognitive abilities to the maximum attainable level. An analysis of existing scientific and methodological data indicates that targeted therapy methods that promote the activation of functional connections between the hemisphere of the brain and limbs have significant potential in the rehabilitation of patients after stroke. However, the choice of tactics of rehabilitation measures after a stroke does not sufficiently take into account the functional specialization of the damaged areas of the brain and their relationship with higher nervous activity. The introduction of complex kinesiological programs into therapy using modern technologies and digital systems, including virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR) technologies, can turn out to be effective. In this regard, the literature review provides an analysis of the market of modern digital platforms used in targeted rehabilitation.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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