Pain is one of the crucial issues of modern medicine. The high pain prevalence causes significant material and social losses. The main scientific and practical efforts are aimed at studying the issues of pain etiology, pathogenesis and therapy. As an effective measure to solve this problem, the idea of organizing a network of centers and clinics for the pain treatment was put forward. Purpose of the work: description of the structure of the organization of multidisciplinary clinics and pain treatment centers. There are currently few publications on the organization of pain relief. The article discusses the basic principles of organizing pain treatment centers and pain relief systems abroad. In this organization, attention is drawn to the principles of interdisciplinary interaction, the development of treatment tactics and the organization of work with a patient suffering from pain. Further, the paper presents the experience of organizing specialized pain relief care abroad. An example of the work of a pain center on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital (Privolzhsky District Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia) is given. The authors shared the structure and organization of this pain treatment center. They also presented the results of its work. Conclusion. Currently, there are no specialized pain centers in Russia. Now in many cities of Russia, there is a process of formation of pain relief care. However, this process faces a number of difficulties.


Yarikov Anton ViktorovichORCID, ,Shpagin Maksim VladimirovichORCID,Pavlova Elena AnatolyevnaORCID,Perlmutter Olga Aleksandrovna,Fraerman Alexander Petrovich, , , ,


Pain is one of the crucial issues of modern medicine. The high pain prevalence causes significant material and social losses. The main scientific and practical efforts are aimed at studying the issues of pain etiology, pathogenesis and therapy. As an effective measure to solve this problem, the idea of organizing a network of centers and clinics for the pain treatment was put forward. Purpose of the work: description of the structure of the organization of multidisciplinary clinics and pain treatment centers. There are currently few publications on the organization of pain relief. The article discusses the basic principles of organizing pain treatment centers and pain relief systems abroad. In this organization, attention is drawn to the principles of interdisciplinary interaction, the development of treatment tactics and the organization of work with a patient suffering from pain. Further, the paper presents the experience of organizing specialized pain relief care abroad. An example of the work of a pain center on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital (Privolzhsky District Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia) is given. The authors shared the structure and organization of this pain treatment center. They also presented the results of its work. Conclusion. Currently, there are no specialized pain centers in Russia. Now in many cities of Russia, there is a process of formation of pain relief care. However, this process faces a number of difficulties.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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