This article discusses the relationship of three global topics, each of which is of particular interest in the scientific community: transcranial magnetic stimulation as a treatment method, treatment-resistant depression, and residual-organic insufficiency of the central nervous system. Depression has become one of the most common diseases in the world, affecting more than 264 million people. According to various clinical data, drug therapy is effective in about 70 % of cases. In the remaining 30 %, there is no efficiency, or it turns out to be incomplete. These conditions can be comorbid with a variety of exogenous organic symptoms. Up to 30 % of patients seeking medical help in connection with neurotic disorders have signs of residual-organic insufficiency. The treatment of these conditions requires the search for methods to resolve them. One of these methods is transcranial magnetic stimulation. It is a non-invasive and well-tolerated treatment for depression, with proven clinical efficacy.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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