1. Vvedenie v psikhofarmakogenetiku: monografi ya [Introduction to psychopharmacogenetics: monograph]. Nasyrova R. F., Ivanov M. V., Neznanov N. G. — St. Petersburg: Publishing Center St. Petersburg NIPNI named after V. M. Bekhtereva, 2015. — 272 p. ISBN 978-5-7452-0020-5.
2. Klinicheskaya psikhofarmakogenetika pod red. R. F. Nasyrovoy, N. G. Neznanova [Clinical psychopharmacogenetics, ed. by R. F. Nasyrova, N. G. Neznanova]. — St. Petersburg: DEAN Publishing House, 2019. — 405 p. ISBN 978-5-6043573-7-8.
3. Mosolov S. N., Kalinin V. V., Eremin A. V. Sravnitel’naya Effektivnost’ i perenosimost’ novogo pokoleniya antipsikhoticheskikh sredstv pri lechenii obostreniy shizofrenii [Comparative efficacy and tolerability of a new generation of antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of exacerbations of schizophrenia]. New advances in the treatment of mental illness. Ed. by S. N. Mosolova. — Moscow: Binom, 2002. — pp. 82–94.
4. Nasyrova R. F., Ivashchenko D. V., Yakhin K. K., Neznanov N. G. Otsenka riska razvitiya antipsikhotik-indutsirovannykh metabolicheskikh narusheniy: vozmozhnosti farmakogeneticheskogo testirovaniya [Risk assessment of the development of antipsychotic-induced metabolic disorders: the possibilities of pharmacogenetic testing]. Practical medicine. 2017: 1 (102); pp. 15–18.
5. Sychev D. A., Kukes V. G., Tashenova A. I. Farmakogeneticheskoe testirovanie [Pharmacogenetic testing]. Politics and management in healthcare 2010: № 2; pp. 39–43.