Family Resources in Schizophrenia. Clinical Case


Simak Olga1ORCID,Soldatkin Victor1ORCID,Andreev Aleksei2ORCID


1. Rostov State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health

2. State Budgetary Institution «Psychoneurological Dispensary», Rostov-on-Don


The paper describes a 40-year history of a married couple that faced the problem of schizophrenia in one of the partners. The article also discusses the changing role of a healthy partner as a caregiver and primary support provider during a mental disease. The article explores how understanding the relationship between mental disease and its role in family life can help establish the treatment cooperation between the psychiatrist and the patient, improve the disrupted interpersonal relations and patient care. The unique clinical discussions between the psychiatrist and the couple may serve as the inappreciable examples of neuro- and psycholinguistic analysis for other mental health professionals. The partner’s coping behavior in overcoming alcohol abuse and family violence provoked by exacerbation of his spouse’s schizophrenia is of interest.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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