Ischemic stroke is a crucial medical and social issue, and the study of factors influencing the development and prognosis of rehabilitation of motor, cognitive, and emotional disorders is of great importance. The presence of concomitant diseases is among these factors. This study examined the impact of sleep-disordered breathing, common in patients after acute cerebrovascular accident, on the prognosis of rehabilitation of cognitive dysfunctions in the early recovery period. The duration of hypoxemia has been found to act as a key factor determining the severity of cognitive impairment. NIHSS stroke severity was a predictor of poor prognosis and can be considered as a general nonspecific marker of decompensation.In addition, it has been found that increasing age, cerebral atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease, as well as the night time of stroke development are associated with an unfavorable prognosis for the development of cognitive dysfunction in patients after stroke.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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