Pharmacological correction of neurological disorders in the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome


Litvintsev B. S.ORCID, ,Konstantinov D. P.ORCID,Reinuk V. L.ORCID,Ardashev M. V.ORCID,Belskaya A. V.ORCID, , , ,


Among the existing addictions, the greatest medical and social problems are created by chemical dependencies associated with the use of alcohol, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Neurological disorders in alcoholism are distinguished by the multifactorial nature of their genesis. Pharmacological correction of potential neurological disorders in alcohol users should be considered from the perspective of prescribing drugs with polymodal effects, which justifies the search for the most promising and effective means of pharmacological correction of mental and somatoneurological consequences of alcoholism. The aim of the study was to analyze the dynamics of neurological symptoms under the control of laboratory indicators of toxic liver damage to assess the effectiveness of complex pharmacotherapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. 40 patients (average age 43.2±7.2 years) who are being treated for alcohol withdrawal syndrome were examined. A neurological examination and a study of blood biochemical parameters were carried out to assess the functional state of the liver. Neurological organic symptom complex was detected in all observed patients and was a diffuse focal symptomatology associated with cerebral and polyneuritic disorders. Laboratory indicators of the functional state of the liver in patients taking morpholinium- methyl-triazolyl-thioacetate orally showed a statistically significant difference before and after therapy, in the absolute majority of cases positive hemodynamic dynamics and regression of neurological symptoms were observed. Morpholinium-methyl-triazolyl-thioacetate has polymodal effects and can be used not only for alcoholic hepatitis, but also for the correction of cardiological and neurological disorders associated with alcoholic liver damage. It is advisable to consider Thiotriazoline® as a means of choice in the complex therapy of alcoholic liver damage in the outpatient unit.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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