Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of coccygodynia
Container-title:Vestnik nevrologii, psihiatrii i nejrohirurgii (Bulletin of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery)
Short-container-title:Bulletin of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery
Yarikov Anton ViktorovichORCID, , Shpagin Maksim VladimirovichORCID, Perlmutter Olga Aleksandrovna, Fraerman Alexander Petrovich, Sosnin Andrey GennadievichORCID, Simonov Alexander EvgenievichORCID, Kotelnikov Alexander OlegovichORCID, Garipov Ilgiz Ildarovich, Mukhin Alexey Stanislavovich, Tarasov Igor Andreevich, Pavlinov Sergey Evgenyevich, Smirnov Igor IgorevichORCID, , , , , , , , , , ,
Currently, there are no clear clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of coccygodynia. There are still debatable issues related to the choice of the most optimal diagnostic method, evaluation of the effectiveness of blockades, establishment of indications for surgical treatment and the determination of the most appropriate method of surgery. The features of the anatomical structure of the coccyx are considered in the scientific paper. The clinical picture and neurological symptoms of coccygodynia are described in detail. Modern instrumental methods of diagnosis of this disease (spondylography, MSCT, MRI) are presented. Modern scientific works on evaluating the effectiveness of conservative and surgical treatment have been studied. The methods of surgical treatment of patients with coccygodynia are analyzed. Indications for surgical treatment and the results of surgeries in patients with coccygodynia are considered. In addition, the authors presented their classification of coccygodynia.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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