Mental disorders that occur against the background of water-electrolyte disorders in patients with neoplasms of chiasmal-sellar region


Koval K. V.1,Chmutin G. E.2,Kalinin P. L.1,Kutin M. A.1,Ivanov V. V.3


1. FSAI N. N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery

2. Medical Institute of the FSAEI HE People’s Friendship University of Russia

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The work is devoted to assessing the results of the analysis of world literature for a period of more than 50 years: it reflects the data on the nature of the occurrence of mental disorders developing in patients with tumors of the chiasmal-sellar region against the background of water-electrolyte disorders both before and after surgery. The presented data shed light on the occurrence of the variants of mental disorders in such a specific category of neurosurgical patients, which may allow the clinician to timely determine the appropriate treatment tactics and reduce the severity of complications in the postoperative period.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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