Creation and implementation of a progressive model of medical staff training in the Republican Medical College of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic


Vostrikova S. A.ORCID, ,Mylnikova N. A.ORCID,Gubina O. V.ORCID, ,


The article presents the experience of the Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Udmurt Republic «Republican Medical College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union F. A. Pushina of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic» (hereinafter — APEI UR «RMC of the MOH UR») to improve the efficiency of training specialists with secondary medical education. Aim. To study the experience of the APEI UR «RMC of the MOH UR» in improving the efficiency of training specialists with secondary medical education from the stage of pre-professional training of high school students of general educational organizations to postgraduate education. Results. The analysis showed an increase in the number of students trained in the main vocational training programs in the medical field as part of the implementation of the republican project «Medical Classes» for the period from 2019 to 2022, as well as an increase in the number of applicants to medical educational organizations from among them, which indicates a high effectiveness of pre-professional medical training. Individual work with senior students, aimed at getting acquainted with the working conditions in medical organizations of the republic, can increase the motivation of graduates to find employment in a specific workplace and prevent the phenomenon of «early disappointment in the profession». In modern conditions, there is a high need for the implementation of continuous professional programs in forms that allow minimizing the distraction of specialists from the labor process during the training period. The change in the needs of medical organizations in the types and forms of postgraduate training of specialists led to a change in the structure of the State assignment of the APEI UR «RMC of the MOH UR» for the provision of educational services, the need to improve part-time and distance forms of implementing programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies. Conclusion. The results of the analysis indicate the need to improve the system of medical education in terms of expanding the coverage of long-term (at least a year) career guidance projects for high-school students of general education schools; to more actively involve healthcare professionals in the educational process as mentors, internship supervisors, field practice leaders, etc.; to focus on practice orientation of continuous professional education and development of distance learning technologies.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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