The role of health staff in programs rehabilitation of recipients of social services in the conditions of a psychoneurological boarding house


Latypova E. G.ORCID,


The article presents a rehabilitation program for the recipients of social services in a psychoneurological residential care facility (hereinafter referred to as PRCF) in various directions with the direct participation of junior and middle medical personnel. The purpose of creating the program is to implement the medical and labor rehabilitation of social service recipients (hereinafter referred to as SSR) and maintain their independence with any possible resources. Program results: the implementation of rehabilitation activities was organized in accordance with the individual rehabilitation and (or) habilitation program, the areas of work with people with disabilities for their further medical and labor rehabilitation were determined, the desire, interest and opportunity to train SSR in new labor skills were determined, and the SSR socialization was preserved. Conclusion. The result of the well-coordinated specialist team work is the complete satisfaction of the needs of a sick person. Recipients of social services feel like full-fledged members of society with all rights, responsibilities and duties.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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