Financial and Economic Situation and Development Features of Aviation Industry Entities


,Rykova I. N.ORCID,Gubanov R. S.ORCID, ,Alaev A. A.ORCID,


The relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that under the conditions of sanction pressure on the economy of the Russian Federation and periodic restrictions on the movement of air vehicles in international airspace, gaps arise in the continuity of functioning of aviation industry entities, creating barriers to obtaining and maximizing profi ts. The purpose of the study is to analyze the fi nancial and economic situation of aviation industry entities and determine the conditions for their further development. Materials and research methods — the systematic approach and situational analysis used in writing the article were based on processing the resources of information retrieval systems: GARANT, Consultant Plus. Also, the use of abstraction, grouping and series of dynamics of revenue, cost and profi t of the largest airlines in Russia made it possible to identify the priorities and causes of the fi nancial decline of the leaders of the national aviation market. As a result of the analysis of indicators of transport work and the aircraft fleet of the Russian air transport system, the reasons and possibilities for ensuring the availability of air transportation through the implementation of government support measures, including subsidizing the transportation of citizens and the development of regional transportation, were established. The article provides facts based on the results of the analysis of the Comprehensive Program of the current state and development of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation until 2030, among which important attention is paid to the need to achieve a gradual reduction in the number of foreign-made aircraft fl eet. The article reflects that the priority factors influencing the determination of consumer choice in the aviation market are: effective on-board technologies; network route offers and various loyalty programs for regular customers of passenger services. The authors of the article identified the reasons for the decline of PJSC Aeroflot, which was experiencing fi nancial difficulties and the risk of losses. The directions for further development of the largest airlines in Russia have been determined, taking into account «targeted» subsidizing measures and improving measures of state support for subjects of the Russian airline business.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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