Influence of digitalization on international trade relations


Aksenov I. A.ORCID,


The article provides an in-depth analysis of how digitalization has changed and is changing international trade through the use of online platforms, the simplification of cross-border interaction and cooperation, the improvement of logistics and transport, the impact on tariff s and trade agreements. In addition, the article states that there is a democratization of international trade, which digitalization provides for small and medium-sized enterprises, which in turn can have a significant impact on economic development and global competitiveness. The article also reflects trends in international trade and the digital economy. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that digitalization will continue to shape new ways of doing international trade. The article provides an overview of the current state of digitalization of international trade relations and possible future developments that may bring influence to it, such as increased attention to data privacy, cybersecurity and intellectual property rights in international trade agreements. In addition, the study also highlights the potential of blockchain technology and other digital innovations to further change and transform the way international trade is conducted. The article refl ects practical advice for participants in foreign economic activity, which can be guided in a rapidly changing digital landscape. These tips help you understand the opportunities and challenges associated with digitalization and develop strategies to take advantage of these opportunities and mitigate risks.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Development,Business and International Management,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Geography, Planning and Development,Cultural Studies,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Communication,Geography, Planning and Development,Cultural Studies,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Urban Studies,Geography, Planning and Development,Urban Studies,Geography, Planning and Development,Pollution,Toxicology,Toxicology,Cell Biology,Toxicology,Molecular Biology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine

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