Blockchain as a global economic system (on the example of the tourism market)


Novichkov Nikolay Vladimirovich1,Savchenko Ekaterina Andreevna,Novichkova Alexandra Vladimirovna2


1. Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RSUTS)

2. Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management


The article reveals the features of the use of blockchain technology as a global economic system. Separately, attention is focused on the global tourism market, which is undergoing a large-scale transformation based on the use of blockchain technology. The relevance of this direction seems to be very high, since the changes are comprehensive and long-term. The authors identified the development trends of the global tourism market based on the use of information technologies and changes in the profile and behavior of a potential consumer of tourism services. Also, the article outlines some specific directions of changes in the global tourism market. Separately, the work formulates and substantiates the concept of "Tourism business 3.0" associated with institutional changes in the tourism sector. In addition, the need for the development and implementation of global blockchain platforms as the basis for organizing the global tourism market is outlined. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the place and role of blockchain as a global economic system using the example of tourism. Research tasks are reduced to substantiating the essence and content of the blockchain; identifying directions of changes in the global economy based on blockchain; designation of the prospects for the development of the tourism market based on the use of blockchain technology. Research subject: blockchain technology. Research object: the use of blockchain in the global travel market. Research methods: system approach, statistical method, modeling method. RThe essence and content of the blockchain as a global economic system has been substantiated; identified areas of blockchain application in the tourism sector; the concept of "Tourism business 3.0" was formulated; outlined the development trends of the global tourism market; directions are proposed that characterize the transformation of the global economy in the field of tourism based on blockchain technology.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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