1. 1. Vedomosti (2023). Russian investors were able to restore their frozen assets in the amount of about 3 trillion rubles. - Available at: https://www.vedomosti.ru/fi nance/news/2023/05/16/975238-tsb-ne-vidit-vozmozhnostitotalnogo-obmena-zablokirovannimi-aktivami (accessed: 05.05.2023) (In Russian).
2. 2. RBC (2023). The Ministry of Finance reported cases of negotiations on the exchange of frozen assets. - Available at: https://quote.rbc.ru/news/article/645e4b889a7947c3e2ed669e (accessed: 01.06.2023) (in Russian).
3. 3. Kommersant (2023). Import restrictions hit exports. - Available at: https://www.kommersant.ru/ doc/5797855 (accessed: 20.06.2023) (In Russian).
4. 4. Bank of Russia (2023). The Bank of Russia has calculated the amount of foreign capital participation in the total authorized capitals of credit and insurance organizations. - Available at: http://cbr.ru/press/event/?id=14546 (accessed: 27.04.2023) (In Russian).
5. 5. Bank of Russia (2023). Economic activity increases. Monetary Policy Report, no. 1 (41). - Available at: https:// www.cbr.ru/about_br/publ/ddkp/longread_1_41/ (accessed: 20.06.2023) (In Russian).