Features of State Support for the Agricultural Sector in Russia and Other Countries in the Context of Structural Changes in the Economy


,Kamenetskaya O. V.ORCID


The implementation of structural changes in the economy is conditioned by modern conditions characterized by numerous challenges of a geopolitical, socio-economic and climatic nature, endangering the national security of States. This is manifested in changes in the distribution of factors of production, in the production of gross value added by sectors, the search for new markets for products, which causes the transformation of conditions that determine economic dynamics, that is, an increase in the importance of some sectors and a decrease in the importance of other sectors. Thus, in Russia in 2023 there was a large-scale structural shift, with the manufacturing industry becoming the main driver of the economy. There is a potential for economic growth in the country based on structural changes caused by a change in the technological level of production and the transformation of foreign economic relations, which is true for all sectors of the economy, including the agricultural sector. Currently, this sector is particularly faced with issues of ensuring food security, maintaining agricultural producers’ incomes, technological sovereignty, introducing resource-saving technologies, establishing new transport and logistics routes, diversifying production in accordance with changing demand, increasing the competitiveness of agri-food products on the world market, and exporting products with high added value. In the current circumstances, government regulation is especially necessary aimed at improving the institutional conditions for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy and the agri-food market, creating an effective management apparatus at the governmental and regional levels for the successful implementation of strategic directions for the development of the sector, including increasing costs for basic science and long-term technological developments and the development of industrial cooperation both within the country and with foreign partners.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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