Some aspects of international practice of studying the transition to cultivation and legal sale of wild medicinal plants (literature review)


Golikova N. S.ORCID, , ,


Lately, the use of medicinal plants and herbal preparations for the prevention and treatment of diseases has been increasing in all parts of the world. The traditions of using herbal preparations are supported by the latest research on the isolation of active components from medicinal plant raw materials, the development of new assay, purifi cation technologies and those of extraction of active substances, the standardization of methods and technologies, the appearance of new pharmaceutical laboratory and factory equipment. The range of plants used for medical purposes is expanding, the range of indications for medical use is expanding for traditionally harvested plants. All mentioned factors lead to an increase in the economic potential for the development of the raw materials base of medicinal plants. At the same time, more and more attention is paid to the ecological approach to harvesting of wild plants, there are cases of damaging the raw materials base of plants due to unregulated harvesting, and of other environmental consequences. In addition, uncontrolled trade and application of plants for medical purposes can lead to negative consequences for human health. The article shows examples of studying the harvesting and distribution of wild medicinal plant raw materials and the possibilities of its cultivation and sale under controlled conditions.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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