New Migration Trends in the EU Countries: Disagreements, Compromises, Prospects


Trofimova O. E.ORCID,


The article describes specifics and new migration tendencies in EU countries after the crisis of 2015. The author examines situation with migrants and asymmetric approach of the European states to these problems using methods of comparative and statistical analysis. The study identifi ed the causes of disagreements within the European Union, lack of balance between national and supranational levels of EU migration policy, especially during crisis, weakness of integration in migration sphere. The processes of sub-regionalization are analyzed in the article, they intensifi ed after migration crisis and led to disconnection between European states. The special approach of the EU countries to Ukranian refugees is noted in this study and main reasons are more political than humanitarian. Different forecasts of migration process are considered. The author makes a conclusion that volatility and unpredictability of migration and multiplicity of different factors influence the forecasts and scenarios, especially medium and long-term and requires more complicated methods, criteria and system analysis. The growth of migration flows in EU countries is wave-like and depends on social, political and economic situation in receiving and origin countries. These processes are irreversible and difficult to resolve within European Union.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Environmental Science,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Materials Science

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