Analysis of Modern Challenges and Prospects: The Role of Education, Technology and Ideas in Shaping Society, Based on the Experience of the Ancient Roman Way of Life. Selfishness as a Way of Forming a Stable Financial System


,Pavlov О. V.ORCID


The presented text includes extensive reflections on the topic of modern society, its problems and prospects. In the text, the author touches on various aspects, ranging from the importance of the family to the development of technology and progressive ideas. The author discusses the importance of education and raising the level of education of the population as a way to combat poverty and create a happy society. He also describes the influence of progressive and conservative ideas on the formation of laws and institutions in society. Special attention is paid to refl ections on the use of technologies, including artificial intelligence, and their impact on various spheres of life. The author discusses the impact of progressivity on modern market relations, including new forms of interaction between consumers and producers. It is also worth noting that the text contains references to philosophy and consideration of a number of historical factors in the context of modern challenges and prospects. In general, the text has a complex structure and a wide range of topics under consideration. The author draws a number of important analogies and draws conclusions about the need for interaction between progressive and conservative principles to achieve sustainable development of society. The author also suggests creating an alternative to microfi nance organizations in the form of private investment funds that will issue long-term loans for education and life improvement to young people. The proposed system involves investing in people not for interest, but for a share of future income. This approach will free up start-up entrepreneurs from huge interest rates and burdensome microfi nance conditions. In addition, the author puts forward the idea to consolidate the activities of such funds in legislation to ensure transparency and reputational responsibility. Analyzing the text, it can be noted that the main idea is that investing in people for a long time can contribute to the development of education, stimulate entrepreneurial activity of young people and create new intellectual resources for the country.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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