Features of Organizing Parallel Import in the Russian Federation


,Aksenov I. A.ORCID


Parallel imports today are one of the main tools for stabilizing and supporting the Russian economy. The reason for the legalization of parallel imports was the anti-Russian sanctions introduced in the spring of 2022. The article refl ects the features of the organization of parallel imports in the Russian Federation, in particular, its essence, implementation mechanism, history of development in the Russian Federation, legal regulation. The article analyzes the reasons for the legalization of parallel imports in the Russian Federation. The author assesses the volumes and features of parallel imports in the Russian Federation. The article identifies a number of problems in implementing the parallel import scheme, which the author includes: the lack of legislative regulation of parallel import, the low level of protection of intellectual rights in the Russian Federation, diffi culties with warranty service, etc. The article reflects that the legalization of parallel imports under sanctions is becoming one of the relevant and effective ways of conducting foreign trade activities. The author of the study states that the peculiarities of organizing parallel imports also carry certain risks for the Russian market. The author reflects that the legalization of parallel imports in Russia is an emergency measure that is not capable of completely replacing the scarce supplies of imported goods and is aimed only at stabilizing the economic situation in the short and medium term.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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