1. 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2020 No. 1750 «On approval of the list of technologies used within the framework of experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation «//NW of the Russian Federation. 2020. № 44. Art. 7003.
2. 2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2018 No. 2101-r «On the approval of a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure for the period until 2024. «//NZ of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 42 (part II). Art. 6480.
3. 3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2021 No. 3363-r «On the approval of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035. «// SZ of the Russian Federation. 2021. C. 50 (part IV). Art. 8613.
4. 4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2021 No. 3744-r «On Approval of the Strategic Direction in the Field of Digital Transformation of the Transport Industry of the Russian Federation until 2030. «//NZ of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 1 (part IV). Art. 264.
5. 5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2022 No. 4355-r «On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Financial Market of the Russian Federation until 2030. «//NW of the Russian Federation. 2023. No. 1 (part III). Art. 476.