Modern legislation on the implementation of the supervisory function by Rostrud is aimed at preventing violations of labor rights. It is proved that these measures constitute the main purpose of state supervision, that is, the prevention of violations of labor rights and their subsequent protection, and not only the protection of labor rights on the revealed facts of their violation. Preventive measures are carried out by Rostrud in accordance with the Harm Risk Prevention Programs. The article analyzes the data of the program for 2018–2021, in which the main direction of preventive work is to increase the awareness of the population in the field of protection of labor rights and compliance with labor legislation. The author investigates the ways of informing employers and employees about the observance of mandatory labor requirements. An analysis of the new Federal Law “On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation” allowed the author to propose a classification of Rostrud's preventive measures into mandatory and additional measures.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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