1. 1. Balatsky E.V. Post-industrial society and leisure economy: a new personnel paradigm // Journal of new economy. - 2021. - T. 22. - No. 4. - P. 5-23.
2. 2. A bill to shorten the working week was introduced to the State Duma. - https://lenta.ru/ news/2023/11/09/v-gosdumu-vnesli-zakonoproekt-o-sokraschenii-rabochey-nedeli/.
3. 3. The government explained the refusal to provide a four-day vacation for workers with many children. - https://newizv.ru/news/2023-11-08/v-pravitelstve-ob-yasnili-otkaz-predostavit-chetyrehdnevku-dlya-mnogodetnyh-rabotnikov-423088.
4. 4. In Russia it was proposed to count the time spent on the road as a worker. - https:// iz.ru/1556200/2023-08-09/v-rossii-predlozhili-schitat-rabochim-vremia-potrachennoe-na-dorogu.
5. 5. Day off for medical examination: features of provision. - https://www.buhgalteria.ru/article/ vykhodnoy-dlya-dispanserizatsii-osobennosti-predostavleniya.