Proinflammatory cytokine shift and changes in lymphocyte activation markers in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and reproductive dysfunction


,Ismailova G. A.,Khegay O. A.,


The article is devoted to the problem of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), a disease of the thyroid gland, which is quite common in women and ranks first in the structure of causрm es of irregular periods, infertility, and miscarriage. The clinical characteristics and analysis of indicators of thyroid status, cytokine profile, and lymphocyte activation markers in 80 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and reproductive dysfunction are presented. The obрm tained results indicate various thyroid disorders in patients with AIT, in particular, the levels of TPO and ATG antibodies were increased by 98 and 39 times, respectively, relative to the control; the level of IL-1ѓА was 10 times higher, IL-6.16 times higher, the concentration of TNF-ѓї.. more than 13 times higher, and the level of IL-18 was 1.9 times lower in patients with AIT compared with the values obtained in the patients with impaired reproductive funcрm tion without thyroid pathology. The research results prove the undeniable pathogenetic role of cytokines and lymphocyte activation markers in the development of the AIT inflammatory process.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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