Predictors of chronic heart failure in occupational pulmonology


,Melentiev A. V.ORCID,Babanov S. A.ORCID,


The issue of occupational lung diseases, primarily dust lung diseases caused by exposure to industrial fibrogenic aerosols of varying degrees of fibrogenicity, remains relevant not only for the Russian Federation, but also for most of the world's leading economies. Purpose of the study: to investigate echocardiographic parameters and constitution features, assess the state of carbohydrate metabolism, and evaluate the concentration of leptin and resistin in patients with occupational respiratory diseases. Results of the study: fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed both subatrophic changes in the bronchial mucosa and phenomena of focal atrophy of the bronchial mucosa and diffuse atrophy in all study groups. According to the otorhinolaryngologist’s examination, there is a high detection rate of chronic atrophic rhino-pharyngolaryngitis in the study groups, which, taking into account the data of fiberop tic bronchoscopy, indicates the systemic and descending nature of the pathological process. Furthermore, our studies demonstrated the high informative value and diagnostic significance of computer spirography for occupational respiratory diseases. Conclusion. As a result of the study, novel clinical and pathogenetic features were identified, and myocardial con tractility was assessed in chronic dust bronchitis, occupational chronic obstructive pulmo nary disease, and interstitial pneumoconiosis. This allows recommending the determination of these indicators (leptin, resistin), as well as echocardiographic assessment of the state and function of the myocardium during periodic medical examinations of workers exposed to industrial fibrogenic aerosols of varying degrees of fibrogenicity in order to assess the risk of developing and predict chronic heart failure in occupational respiratory diseases associated with exposure to highly fibrogenic, moderately fibrogenic, and low fibrogenic industrial aerosols.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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