Laser therapy in the correction of pathogenetic disorders in pyoderma


Laknitskaya Anastasiya Olegovna1


1. Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary


Currently, one of the priority medico-social problems of medicine is the optimization of methods for treating bacterial skin infections, in particular pyoderma associated with S pyogenes - group A Streptococcus. The traditional treatment complex, which includes antibacterial drugs used systemically or locally, selected taking into account individual sensitivity and the presence of pathognomonic microflora, is not always effective due to an increase in antibiotic resistance. Currently implemented methods of immunocorrection, carried out taking into account changes in the immune status in this pathology and the corresponding clinical pictures of patients, are pathogenetically justified and can be effective. The use of local laser therapy requires laboratory approaches to diagnostics, clarifying the role of factors of innate and adaptive immunity, intercellular mediators and antioxidant defense systems, which allow optimizing laser therapy as a method of treating this pathology. The use of a 450nm low-intensity laser promotes clinical recovery in patients.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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