Clinical and immunological efficacy of the drug Nobazit® (enisamium iodide) in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections


Gizinger O. A.1ORCID


1. Peoples Friendship University of Russia; Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia


The term «acute respiratory viral infections» refers to a group of diseases whose etiological agents are respiratory viruses, mainly affecting the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the drug Nobazit® in 32 patients with body temperature > 37.5 °C having at least one catarrhal symptom (cough, rhinitis, or sore throat) and one symptom of intoxication (chills, sweating, malaise, weakness, or headache) who consulted a doctor within the first 48 hours from the onset of symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection. The use of the drug Nobazit® (enisamium iodide) allowed to reduce the severity of clinical manifestations, eliminate lymphopenia, normalize factors of innate and adaptive immunity, and restore the receptor landscape of peripheral blood lymphocytes. The registered clinical and immunological efficacy of the drug Nobazit® allows recommending its inclusion in the complex therapy of acute respiratory infections.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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