Methods for improving the functional and metabolic status of spermatozoa with a low-intensity laser in vitro


Khisamova A. A.1ORCID


1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


A method for improving the functional and metabolic status of spermatozoa, including increased motion and physiological activity of spermatozoa obtained from the seminal fluid of a healthy human in vitro and including the red wavelength radiation of a low-intensity laser, is characterized in that spermatozoa isolated from a healthy donor are washed with saline twice by centrifugation for 10 minutes at 1500 rpm and the sperm suspension is impacted on with a 632 nm semiconductor laser in the mode of variable pulse generation, with the pulse width of 2 ns, the frequency of 100 Hz, the radiant energy density of 0.56 j/cm2 , the exposure time of 1 minute, expressed in increased motion and physiological activity of spermatozoa.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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