Reproductive health issues of adolescent girls suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections


Mullakhanov Zhavlon Bakhtiyarovich1ORCID


1. Consultative Polyclinic of the State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Currently, adolescent girls with recurrent urinary tract infection have a high frequency of reproductive disorders. In order to study the state of reproductive health of adolescent girls with urinary tract infections, depending on the frequency of relapses, 70 adolescent girls aged 16–18 years were examined, of which 1 group (n=23) — with rare relapses of UTI (relapses up to 3 times a year); 2 group (n=27) with frequent relapses of UTI (more than 3 times a year). The control group (n=30) consisted of adolescent girls of the same age of 1.2 health groups. We studied the features of sexual development, the concentration of gonadotropin and steroid hormones. In patients of group 2, a high frequency of hypoprogesteronemia, hyperandrogenism, and anovulatory cycles was revealed, which contributes to the development of a number of gynecological diseases. An interdisciplinary approach to the dispensary management of these patients is necessary, which prevents the development of reproductive disorders.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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