Characteristics of surgical treatment methods for umbilical hernias


Timerbulatov M. V., ,Senderovich E. I.,Grishina E. E.,Sibagatov R. M., , ,


Umbilical hernias in surgery are no less relevant than hernias of other localizations. The results of surgical treatment of 317 patients with umbilical hernias are presented. 213 patients (67.2 %) were operated on as an emergency, and 104 (32.8 %) — as planned. Surgical interventions for strangulated hernias were performed in accordance with the principles of emergency abdominal surgery. When examining the patients of the last group, the level of intra-abdominal pressure and blood lactate were taken into account. An informative method for studying the condition of tissues in the area of the hernial orifice is ultrasound. When selecting a method of surgical treatment, its criteria are the size of the hernial orifice, the state of the aponeurosis, and in emergency conditions — the degree of ischemic disorders of the strangulated organ and the severity of intra-abdominal hypertension. A differentiated approach to the choice of hernioplasty for umbilical hernias and the wider use of additional strengthening methods using mesh endoprostheses allow obtaining good results after surgical treatment.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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