Greshilov Egor Timurovich,
Demographic problems in the XXI century affect many modern states. In relation to each country, they have a certain character and have their own characteristics, based on the established traditions, the level and quality of life of the population, socio-economic indicators, social support of the population of the country from their governments. On the one hand, the problem of overpopulation is characteristic of the modern stage of human development. Individual States are characterized by a demographic explosion (India, countries of the African continent). Other states are experiencing a demographic crisis. This article examines the situation of the demographic crisis in Japan. Japan often attracts attention to itself by taking non-trivial decisions at the government level to solve problems of a socio-economic nature. In this regard, the purpose of the article was a comprehensive study of the demographic structure of the land of the rising sun, demographic trends, features of the demographic situation, as well as state policy measures to overcome the growth of demographic problems. The author investigates the main causes of the demographic crisis in Japan, the peculiarities of pension provision, the problems of population aging, poverty, and the peculiarities of the labor market in Japan. It is shown that the increase in the number of foreign labor did not fill the gap in the labor market. Therefore, the Japanese authorities plan to raise the retirement age and introduce a number of incentive measures for companies working with the elderly. The gradual aging of the population is just one of several unfavorable demographic trends in Japan. Another problem of no less concern to the authorities of this country is the phenomenon of «lone parasites». In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of crimes committed by elderly people. The data regularly published by the Japanese Statistical Office confirms the surprising trend of a very rapid increase in the number of prisoners of both sexes over 65 years of age. The article uses a variety of sources — media materials on the problem under study, scientific articles of researchers directly and indirectly devoted to the consideration of topical issues and problems of a demographic nature. The article makes extensive use of publicly available statistical data.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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