Information resources as an object of information security


Krivoukhov Anatoly AnatolyevichORCID,


Currently, information resources of public authorities in our country are one of the main sources of information about their activities. According to the forms of information presentation, organizational solutions, technologies used and other parameters, so far it has usually led to the fact that the problems of various types of information resources (open) are not always accessible to citizens. In addition, the interaction of various information resources in the course of their formation and use in solving various tasks of public administration, economic and social development is of great importance. A significant variety of types of information resources in terms of information presentation forms, organizational solutions, technologies used and other parameters has so far usually led to the fact that the problems of various types of information resources have been considered in isolation from each other. At the same time, many problems are common to the entire sphere of information resources, especially from the point of view of the strategy of state information policy. In addition, the interaction of various information resources in the course of their formation and use in solving various tasks of public administration, economic and social development is of great importance. It is clear that without an input (source) resource of the desired type and quality, it is impossible to obtain the required output resource or product. Without resources, in the modern sense, no activity in human society is possible. Since resources are not only consumed during the activity, but also created, theoretically, the activity can be represented as an organizational and production process. Resources can appear independently of a person or be created by a person. Obviously, information resources belong to the second type of resources. As created resources, they have a dual character both as a source and as a result. In this article, information resources are considered as an object of information security.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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