Social aspects of economic security


Ustinovich Elena StepanovnaORCID,


Economic security serves as the foundation and material basis of national security. Manifesting itself in the spheres of influence of other types of security, penetrating into them and interacting with them, accumulates their effects. The methodological foundations of economic security concepts have ancient origins, since there has always been a desire of more developed countries to use their competitive advantages in the level of economic development in relation to less developed countries. In accordance with Russian legislation, economic security is a state of protection of the national economy from the possibility of harming objectively significant economic needs of the country, which ensures the independence of the state in conducting domestic and foreign policy, taking into account international obligations, the unity of its economic space, conditions for the implementation of strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation. In this article, among other tasks to be solved, the role of public-private partnership as a tool for the implementation of economic security issues is substantiated. Using the example of infrastructure construction and other PPP projects, it is shown that the key to economic development in the next decade is due to the creation of new jobs, reduction of travel time and transport costs in the structure of the cost of goods and services. It is concluded that PPP projects, including the creation of new high-speed transport corridors, will ensure targeted economic growth and an increase in the level and quality of life of the population, which is a priority of state policy.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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