Monetary incomes of the population as a reflection of the effectiveness of the socio-economic policy of the state


Ustinovich Elena StepanovnaORCID,


The last few years have become extremely difficult for the socioeconomic development of the country. In fact, despite the statistical growth of Incomes of the population, the commodity content is not growing, but rather decreasing. In this sense, we can agree with the conclusions of those experts who talk about stagnant phenomena in developing trends related to the monetary incomes of the population. The emerging wage disparity between the heads of state organizations in the field of education, healthcare, etc., which is also being noticed by a number of scientists and practitioners, requires an urgent and radical change in approaches to payroll in these state organizations. It should also be noted that the existing wage system was established as a result of post-reform reforms in 2005–2006. Almost 20 years have passed and the structure of, for example, the premium part of wages has significantly transformed not in the direction of its increase, but in the direction of reducing its volumes. This circumstance indicates that the bonuses given to the employees of a state organization for local regulation are not always really «fair» for everyone. Ultimately, this is reflected in a decrease in the incomes of a significant number of people employed in the public sector of the economy, their purchasing power and investment opportunities. This article presents the opinions of Russian scientists on the issues and problems of the growth of monetary incomes of the population, the formation and uneven distribution of monetary incomes and other important aspects of strengthening the financial position of the modern Russian household. Statistical data on the dynamics of monetary incomes of the population are presented.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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