1. Department of Bio Engineering, Malatya Turgut Ozal University, Malatya , 44210, Turkey
This study investigated the thermal and mechanical properties of Iscehisar stone (Afyon), Alacati stone (İzmir), Milas Marble (Muğla), and Denizli schist (Denizli). Samples were taken from quarries for each stone. Chemical analyses were carried out. Afterward, thermal conductivity, compressive stress, water absorption, water vapor permeability, and wear experiments were conducted. Alacati stone had the highest thermal conductivity (0.381 W/mK). Denizli schist had the highest compressive strength (95 MPa). All samples had water absorption rates lower than 30%. The results were compared with other building materials regarding energy-saving, strength, and comfort.
NATURENGS MTU Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Malatya Turgut Ozal University
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