The state of platelet-vascular hemostasis in the preoperative period in the case of preservation with concomitant ischemia human disease


Trofymovych Ye. O.,


Recently, there has been a clear trend towards progressive population aging of the population both in Ukraine and in the world, which leads to an increase in the number of elderly and senile people. Many of them undergo surgery for various chronic cancers, which is often dangerous due to concomitant age-related pathology, reduced functional reserves and a high risk of perioperative complications. Among the variety of age-related diseases, the leading place is occupied by cardiovascular, first of all, coronary heart disease, which is the main part of concomitant pathology in patients preparing for surgery and is considered as a significant modified risk factor for perioperative complications. We conducted a study of hemocoagulation in 52 patients with concomitant coronary heart disease who were scheduled for abdominal surgery. The rates of platelet aggregation and coagulogram in the preoperative period were evaluated. Types of disorders of platelet-vascular hemostasis, which were associated with the age of patients and the duration of coronary heart disease, were identified. Patients with a longer duration of coronary heart disease and older age have a tendency to disturb primary hemostasis in the form of hyperaggression (18 patients; 35 %) or hypoaggregation (13 patients; 25 %). The coagulogram study revealed compensatory changes associated with impaired platelet aggregation. The importance of complex monitoring of the hemostasis system in these patients in the perioperative period for differentiated correction of established disorders is pointed out.


Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education KHMAPO


General Medicine

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