Problems of bioethics in modern medicine


Oliynyk N. М.,


Modern scientific advances in medical science and practice require a new perspective on the life and rights of the individual, starting from its embryo in the womb, and therefore the discussions devoted to the study of various aspects of the human right to health and life are simply condemned to a particular relevance in current conditions. Modern bioethics is designed to address ethical issues of medicine and biology, as well as related technologies, considering social, legal and environmental aspects. The objective of the study is to identify current ethical issues in medicine and biology as well as related technologies, considering social, legal and environmental aspects. The article analyzes the directions for the development of bioethics in the health system, human rights as a source of bioethical principles and behavioral criteria in various fields of its application. The bioethics problems of the major achievements of modern biological and medical sciences – stem cell therapy, human cloning, euthanasia, organ and tissue transplantation, certain aspects of resuscitation, which often conflict with moral and ethical criteria. The problem of emerging infections that create local or international emergencies is discussed. A clear example is the pandemic of a new disease – the COVID-19, which confirms humanity’s unpreparability to resist the spread of respiratory viral infections. Conclusion. Modern biological and medical research requires a rethinking of existing bioethical and legal postulates. They must go through a certain path of transformation to meet the requirements of today. It is important to improve the legal regulation without which the boundary between the subject and the object of study will remain potentially uncertain.


Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education KHMAPO


General Medicine

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