One way to create cost leadership and customer value in businesses is with the effective management of the supply chain. Supply chain management, which creates sustainable competitive advantage for all partners in business processes, is an essential activity for each member for long-term goals and cooperation in the business environment. As one of these members and an important industrial agent, dealers have a significant impact on supplier performance. Studies have revealed the positive effect of supplier-dealer relations in buyer-supplier relationships. The aim of this study is to reveal how and to what extent the relationship between the company and the dealer is effective on dealer performance. In this study, the effect of relationship dimensions of a foreign-owned company operating in the construction sector in Turkey on both dealer and supplier performance was examined through the dimensions of power, loyalty, trust and legal agreements. Dealer performance is measured with market share, profitability, sales growth and customer satisfaction dimensions and supplier performance with success of business processes, lean manufacturing, quality and satisfaction through primary data collected with the questionnaires from 106 different size dealers operating in major industrial cities in Turkey.
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