The true meadows of the order Arrhenatheretalia R. Tx. 1931 in Republic of Bashkortostan


Yamalov S. M.1


1. Bashkir State University


The 9 true-meadow associations which refer to the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 em. R. Tx. 1970, order Arrhenatheretalia R. Tx. 1931 are descri­bed in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The order is represented by the 2 alliances, Cynosurion R. Tx. 1947 and Festucion pratensis Sipajlova et al. 1985, including 4 and 5 associations, respectively. 2 associations and 5 subassociations are described anew. Communities described from the Southern Urals are compared to those from other areas in Europe and Siberia. The structure of the order and the regional diagnostic species of its subordinate syntaxa are discussed. The Arrhenatheretalia meadows exist under a strong influence of the anthropogenic pressure.


Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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