Typification of names published by P. S. Pallas in Astragalus and Phaca, now in genus Oxytropis sect. Orobia (Fabaceae)


Sytin A. K.1,Byalt V. V.1,Sokolova I. V.1


1. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The original material used by P. S. Pallas in his descriptions of 7 species in the genus Astragalus L. and 1 species in Phaca L., all now classified within the genus Oxytropis DC. section Orobia Bunge, is analysed and discussed. The lectotypes of Astragalus altaicus Pall. (Oxytropisaltaica (Pall.) Pers.), A. argentatus Pall. (O. argentata (Pall.) Pers.), A. candicans Pall. (O. candicans (Pall.) DC.), A. grandiflorus Pall. (O. grandiflora (Pall.) DC.), A. songaricus Pall. (O. songarica (Pall.) DC.), A. spicatus Pall. (O. spicata (Pall.) O. Fedtsch. et B. Fedtsch.), Phaca sylvatica Pall. (O. sylvatica (Pall.) Willd.), and the epitype of Astragalus spicatus (O. spicata) are designated.


Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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