Synopsis of the genus Oxytropis (Fabaceae) of Eastern Europe and the Urals


Knyazev M. S.1


1. Botanical Garden, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Synopsis of the genus Oxytropis DC. in Eastern Europe (within the former USSR, including northwestern Kazakhstan) and the Urals is published, comprising 25 species, 1 subspecies, and 5 varieties. To compare, in the «Flora of the USSR» (Vassilczenko, Fedtschenko, 1948), only 17 species of the genus were listed for the same territory. The lectotypes of O. approximata Less., O. gebleriana Schrenk ex Fisch. et C. A. Mey., O. glabra DC., O. gmelinii Boriss., O. hippolyti Boriss., O. mugodsharica Bunge, O. pallasii Pers., O. sordida (Willd.) Pers., and O. uralensis (L.) DC. are designated. Oxytropis baschkirensis Knjaz. is included in O. uralensis, whereas synonymization of O. songarica (Pall.) DC. and O. ivdelensis Knjaz. with O. uralensis is rejected. The new nomenclatural combination O. uralensis var. baschkirensis (Knjaz.) Knjaz. is published. Oxytropis baschkirensis subsp. skvortsovii Knjaz. is synonymized with the type variety of O. uralensis. A key for indetification of Oxytropis in Eastern Europe and the Urals is compiled.


Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference72 articles.

1. Arslanova L. R., Kalashnik N. A. 2009. Kariologiya yuzhnouralskikh vidov roda Oxytropis DC. [Caryology of Southern Ural species of the genus Oxytropis DC.] // Vestnik Orenb. Gos. Univ. № 6. P. 43–45 [In Russian] (Арсланова Л. Р., Калашник Н. А. 2009. Кариология южноуральских видов рода Oxytropis DC. // Вестник Оренб. гос. унив. № 6. С. 43–45).

2. Borisova A. G. 1936. Sur les espèces du genre Oxytropis à l’Oural // Sovetsk. Bot. № 4. P. 118–124. [In Russian] (Борисова А. Г. 1936. О видах рода Oxytropis в пределах Урала // Советск. бот. № 4. С. 118–124).

3. Britton N. L., Brown A. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions. 2nd ed. Vol. 2: Amaranthaceae to Loganiaceae. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. iv + 735 p.

4. Bunge A. 1852. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flor Russlands und der Steppen Central-Asiens. 1. Abt.: Alexandri Lehmann reliquiae botanicae, sive enumeratio plantarum ab Alexandro Lehmann... collectarum. St. Pétersburg: Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. 360 p. (Mém. Prés. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans. 1854. T. 7. P. 177–536).

5. Bunge A. 1874. Species generis Oxytropis DC. // Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg. Sér. 7. T. 22, № 1. P. 1–166.







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