Six Hydrophilic polymers Xanthan Gum, Iota Carrageenan, Kappa Carrageenan, Agar Agar, Food grade Agar and Gellan Gum were studied for polymerization potential and water holding capacities. Among the six polymers, Xanthan gum and Iota Carageenan recorded the maximum values for water holding capacities of 38.27 ml/g and 34.17 ml/g and were forwarded for the Seed coating experiment. Coating experiments consist of twodosages of polymer powders (10g, and 20g /kg) and two concentrations of sticking agent (water 5ml and 10 ml). Coated seeds exposed to seed germination studies against untreated seeds. Results revealed that Finger millet seeds coated with 20 g Xanthan gum + 10 ml water as sticker recorded the maximum values for seed germination (87%), seedling length (26.23cm), dry matter production (12.47mg 10 seedlings-1)and Vigour Index I (2282) and II (1084).The % increase over the control was 7 for seed germination, 56 for seedling length (cm), 21 for dry matter production (mg) ,69 for seedling vigour index I and 31for seedling vigour index II. From the studies it could be concluded that Finger millet seeds coated with the Xanthangum @20 g can be recommended as pre sowing seed treatment for improving the Seed Germination and seedling vigour.
Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness