Gawai Kirtidhvaj Jagdeep,Tippat Sachin Keshaorao
Medicinal plants are integral part of Indian tradition. This traditional practice helped people of India to sustain successfully in this pandemic situation. According to the WHO, approximately 80% of the world’s population relies on plant-based preparations for their primary health care needs. The present work was carried to identify the medicinal plants and their ethno botanical use. The area under study is the Amarawati region of state Maharashtra, India. The study was carried out for six months and Ethno botanical data was acquired by conducting interviews using specially designed techniques for collecting ethno pharmacological information. The study reveals the presence of 45 plant species belonging to 22 angiosperm families, which were commonly used for medicinal purposes. Most of time urban developmental activities cause damage to such flora. Whereas the community which is familiar with potential of such species try to utilize them on different alignments in over extend.
Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness
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