Influence of weed management practices on direct-seeded rice grown under rainfed and irrigated agroecosystems


Verma BadalORCID,Bhan Manish,Jha A.K.,Porwal Muskan


Rice seedlings and weeds emerge concurrently in direct-seeded rice (DSR) production systems, while there is no flooding water to inhibit weed germination, emergence and development at crop emergence. Because of this, weeds are considered the biggest living barrier in DSR and significantly reduce yield. The purpose of the research was to devise an approach for management of weeds in the direct-seeded rice crop cultivated under various agroecosystems, while optimizing growth and production utilizing herbicides or herbicidal combinations. The impacts of several weed management techniques were assessed to determine the most efficient and cost-effective approach of managing weeds in DSR at the CoA, JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP) during 2019 rainy season under spilt plot design with 2 main plot treatments viz., rainfed agroecosystem, irrigated agroecosystem and 8 sub-plot treatments, i.e. different herbicide treatments with hand weeding and weedy check. Further growth parameters as well as yield attributes were documented. Conventional statistical techniques were used to evaluate the data. Bispyribac sodium at the dose of 25 g/ha efficiently controlled both narrow and broad leaved weeds under agroecosystems. Highest growth as well as yield parameters were recorded for irrigated agroecosystems compared to rainfed agroecosystems. The treatment with bispyribac sodium at the dose of 25 g/ha produced the greatest values for growth and yield indices as well as the maximum yield (3.68 t/ha), with the exception of manual weeding.


Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness


General Medicine

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